Friday, July 8, 2011
Aluminum - A Signature Industry
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Energy and Aluminum
The take-away here is that Governor Steve Beshear, Secretary Len Peters, Energy and Environmental Cabinet, House Majority Floor Leader Rocky Adkins, and Paul Cicio, President of Industrial Energy Consumers of America ALL mentioned aluminum as a critical stakeholder in Kentucky's current and future energy policies, practices, and resources. This fact was not lost on a couple of seasoned lobbyist who were in attendance. As they pointed out to me, probably wouldn't have happened in a forum like this a year earlier.
In the first meetings of KAN, Kentucky Aluminum Network, there was interesting debate over the mission and objective of the newly formed industry association. Awareness and advocacy emerged as the top goal. While the work is never done and the network continues to evolve, I felt a strong sense of satisfaction upon hearing these key speakers include aluminum in making their case for sensible, cost effective, and sustainable energy policy for manufacturers in Kentucky.
With our continued presence in Frankfort at the committee witness table, in the offices of legislators, or at the podium in key news conferences, more and more of the state's policy makers and elected officials know who we are!
Be it energy consumption, employees, tax contributions and economic impact, aluminum is the 400 pound gorilla in the room, and yes, people are listening and yes, they know who we are!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Governor Steve Beshear, Energy Secretary Len Peters, Speaker Greg Stumbo confirmed to attend the upcoming conference.
Senate President David Williams, Ky Rep. Rocky Adkins, US Rep. Brett Guthrie, US Rep. Ed Whitfield and US Senator Rand Paul all invited.
See KAM link for full agenda.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
KAN welcomes new members SECAT, Inc. of Lexington, Ky. and Big Rivers Electric of Henderson, Ky.
SECAT provides an important research and development function for aluminum companies in Kentucky and across the nation.
Big Rivers is the wholesale electrical power generator for industry, businesses , farms and residents of 22 counties in western Kentucky.
Thanks to both these important organizations for their support of Kentucky's aluminum industry!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Upcoming Energy Conference
Thursday, March 3, 2011
KAN's mission is to promote the aluminum industry as a "Signature Industry" for the state of Kentucky by raising awareness of and addressing the challenges and opportunities facing this sector; and deliver important information about the industry to key stakeholders, policy makers, and leaders.
KAN's core issues include:
- Available cost effective Energy
- A fair and level playing field in Environmental Policy and Regulation
- Workforce Development training programs and facilities
- Facility Infrastructure renovation and updating
The Network serves as an advocacy group to inform our elected officials and the public of both the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. The industry supports over 14,000 jobs in Kentucky that generate $80-100 million dollars in local and state taxes.
Kentucky provides a unique location for the industry creating advantages such as the 2nd lowest electrical rates in the country and proximity to two-thirds the US population.